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筒管牽伸 bobbin draft
緯管傳動軸,筒管驅動軸 bobbin driving shaft
管紗烘乾器,筒紗烘乾機 bobbin dryer
推管器 bobbin ejector
探緯器 bobbin feeler
機製托地花邊 bobbin fine
機製托地花邊 bobbin finings
筒管隔距器,筒管空距計算器 bobbin gauge
管腳盤 bobbin hell plate
筒管夾子紗管夾,緯管夾 bobbin holder
梭心蕾絲 bobbin lace
先導筒管,管導 bobbin leading
紗管庫,緯管庫 bobbin magazine
夾持錠,筒管插錠 bobbin peg
筒子插錠 bobbin pin
筒管托板 bobbin plate
棉線狹花邊 bobbin quilling
筒管架 bobbin rack
筒管軌,上龍筋 bobbin rail
筒管粗紗 bobbin roving
筒管軸 bobbin shaft
筒管分類機;紗管分類機 bobbin sorter
雙邊筒管 bobbin spool
筒管架 bobbin stand
管腳清除機 bobbin stripper
緯管托板彈簧 bobbin suppert spring
緯管托板 bobbin support
緯管托板螺絲 bobbin support bolt
緯管托板軸 bobbin support stud
扁圓帶 bobbin tape
管尖盤,緯紗繞盤 bobbin tip disc
換管運動 bobbin transferring motion
筒管齒輪 bobbin wheel
筒管幅,筒管寬度 bobbin width
導筒機,絡緯機 bobbin winder
導筒機,絡筒機 bobbin winding frame
六角網眼紗,珠羅紗 bobbinnet
六角網眼紗織機,珠羅紗織機 bobbinnet machine
漂白亞麻襯衫細布 boccadillos
博卡西尼漂白細洋紗(巴爾幹地區製) boccassini
博金粗呢(英國製) bocking
生物化學需氧量 BOD(Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand)
修補不良 bodgine
女裝上身部分,緊身上衣 bodice
金線衣邊 bodkin-work
布身 body
衣服上身 body
素面地毯 body carpet
馬背毛氈 body cloth
內衣類 body clothes
合身外套 body coat
體色,不透明色 body colour
上裝人檯 body form
後豎鉤 body hook
褻衣 body hugger
內衣亞麻布 body linen
貼身尺寸 body measure
量身尺寸 body measurement
主題定型處理 body set
人體尺寸 body size
美盤式踏綜盤,實心開口盤 body tappet
充格子花呢 bogus tartan
波希米亞花邊 bohemian lace
波希米亞平紋枕頭套布 bohemian ticking
酸煮廢皮板毛 boiled fur
細亞麻平布 boiled lawn
精練亞麻布 boiled linen
熟漿 boiled size
煮練紗 boiled yarn
脫膠繭 boiled-off cocoon
精練殘液 boiled-off liquor
精練蠶絲 boiled-off silk
鍋爐 boiler
鍋爐水垢 boiler scale
煮沸;煮呢 boiling
煮練劑 boiling agent
煮練裝置 boiling apparatus
煮漿筒 boiling beck
煮沸時間 boiling duration
練釜 boiling kier
煮釜 boiling pan
沸點 boiling point
褪膠 boiling-off
練絲浴 boiling-off bath
練液 boiling-off liquor
煮練 boiling-out
經線貼合帶織物 bolduc
保羅領帶 bole tie
波麗洛式上衣 bolero
波麗洛式毛衣 bolero sweater
玻利維亞條子毛毯 bolivia
波利維亞絨 bolivia cloth
棉鈴 boll
軋麻筴機,亞麻軋籽機 boll crusher
錠管 bolster
螺栓;布長(通常約30碼) bolt
篩絹 bolting cloth
篩絹織機 bolting cloth loom
博爾頓筘號 Bolton reed count
博爾頓精密制 Bolton sett system
博爾頓斜紋粗布 Bolton sheeting
博爾頓斜紋 Bolton twill
波茲曼-曼達諾求擴散係數法 Boltzmann-Matano method
巴西棉(舊名) Bombasin cotton
邦巴辛毛葛 bombasin,bombasine
木棉 bombax cotton
孟買絨毛 Bombay hair
洋麻,槿麻 bombay hemp
摻雜緊包黃麻 bombays
絲經毛緯細斜紋布(法語) bombazet
邦巴辛毛葛 bombazine
蠶蛾科 bombyciade
中國種桑蠶 bombyx fortunatus
中國種家蠶 bombyx mori
日本種山蠶 bombyx yamamai
結合,鏈接 bond
鍵能 bond energy
接合強度測定 bond strength test
結合纖物 bonded fabric
結合棉網 bonded web
紗接著布 bonded yarn fabrics
黏合式起毛地毯 bonded-pile carpet
結合劑 bonding agent
筒子;人工編結花邊梭子;發硬 bone
絕對乾燥,無水乾燥 bone dry
無水乾重 bone dry weight
骨膠 bone glue
不規則的網眼花邊(統稱) bone point lace
帽舌 bongrace
邦乃滋高速刺繡機 bonnaz machine
罩說A罩帽 bonnet
粗棉機(8-16股) bonnet cotton
頭部毛(蘇格蘭名稱) bonnet wool
上繭,頭號繭 bons cocoons
粗毛格子圍巾 bonten
高撚迴原棉 bony cotton
粗紡機 boobing and fly frame
剪花薄洋布 book harness muslin
重漿棉麻布 book linen
書面細布 book muslin
畫面布 bookbinder's cloth
重漿畫面稀平布 bookbinding holland
畫面皮革 bookbinding leather
書型縫編處理 booked seam
打小包 booking
野蠶絲粗綢(英國名稱) booklee
博姆比纖維(澳洲產) boombi fibre
木質纖維,麻纖維 boony fibre
助進馬達;加速器 boost motor
還原汽蒸箱 booster box
增壓泵 booster pump
製靴帆布 boot duck
長統襪 boot sock
編結童鞋 bootee
靴襯布 boot-linings
長統皮靴 boots
博達底羅綢 boraddille
包籣吉布(摺紋棉布) borandjik
博達提網 bordati
邊線,布邊,衣襟,襪口;邊紋 border
色邊格子棉布 border checks
花邊 border lace
邊紋花板 border lag
累斯特邊區綿羊毛(英國交配種) Border Leicester wool
邊紋穿吊法 border tie
滾邊地毯,鑲邊地毯 bordered rug
繡花手套 bordier point
波德瑟亞大衣呢 bordthea
鑲邊,包邊,滾邊 bordure
蛛網;破洞 bore
碳化硼纖維強化體,碳化硼纖維增強體 boron carbide fibre reinforcement
硼纖維 boron fibre
硼纖維強化鈦基複合材料,硼纖維增強鈦基複合材料 boron fibre reinforce Ti-matrix composite
硼纖維強化體,硼纖維增強體 boron fibre reinforcement
氮化硼纖維強化體,氮化硼纖維增強體 boron nitride fibre reinforcemet
波士基條子襯衫布(印度產) bosky
胸兜 bosom
衣帶邊縫 bospal
軸套,套筒,婆司;工頭,領班 boss
博塔尼精紡毛紗 bostany
博塔尼短毛 bostany noil
博塔尼斜紋呢 bostany twill
博塔尼綿羊毛 bostany wool
博塔尼精紡細毛紗 bostany yarn
波士頓尼龍織成基布或網布 boston net
波士妥混紡呢(法國手織) bostous
粗補綴,補釘;織補 botch
波坦素綢(法國制) bottane
瓶形筒管,瓶形木管 bottle bobbin
下癒F印花前的底色,布底底色,布地 bottom
機面撐架 bottom beam stay
底板 bottom board
底梭箱軸 bottom box shaft
吊綜軸下托腳 bottom bracket for heald shaft
下塵籠 bottom cage
下壓輥 bottom calender roller
下心,曲柄下心 bottom center
打底鉻媒染法 bottom chrome method
底線閉合梭口,上開口 bottom closed shed
下圓錐輪,下鐵砲 bottom cone
起絨底面 bottom cover
下搖架,下皮圈架 bottom cradle
下半線,下絞綜 bottom doup
下傳動軸 bottom driving shaft
打底染法 bottom dyeing
紗管底部成形 bottom former
下塵棒 bottom grid bar
下拉鉤背刀(多臂力織機) bottom knife
底下廉子 bottom lattic
下層,底線,經紗開口下層線 bottom line
下線套(提花織機),下綜底媒染劑 bottom loop
底媒染劑 bottom mordant
下鵝頭托座 bottom of swan neck stand
下底壓吸羅拉 bottom padding roller
底板 bottom plate
錠腳橫軌,下橫軌,下龍筋 bottom rail
底圈,底環 bottom ring
下羅拉 bottom roller
底色 bottom shade
下軸齒輪 bottom shaft wheel
下開口,下部梭口 bottom shed
下開口 bottom shedding
下層緯紗,地紗 bottom weft
下軸齒輪,底輪 bottom wheel
上開口 bottom(closed)shedding
打底鉻媒染法 bottom-chroming
打底劑 bottoming agent
打底浴 bottoming bath
次等棉織物 bottoming cotton goods
打底甕染色 bottoming indigo dyeing
上行式氣流紡紗機 bottom-to-top OE machine
波卜林閃光斜紋布(捷克製) boublin
波卡新里子布(法國製) boucassin
包喜原色細呢(法國製) bouche
仿羔羊呢,珠皮細呢 boucle' fabric
毛圈狀嫘縈 boucle' rayon
結子線,花式紗 boucle' yarn
珠皮細呢 bouclette
博梅生絲(伊朗製) Bouerme
蓬大的裙型;蓬鬆縐領巾 bouffant
波琪精紡白呢(修道士襯衫用) bouge
緊縮效果 bouillione
絲綢 boulting cloth
滾邊 bound
滾邊鈕孔 bound buttonhole
包邊 bound edge
滾邊口袋 bound packet
包縫縫合 bound seam
界面層 boundary layer
界面張力 boundary tension
臨界值,界面值 boundary value
波拉毛葛(法國製) boura
勃特拉粗帆布(法國產) bourat
巴本棉(印度產) Bourbon cotton
帶邊繩 bourden
包繞股線 bourdonette
粗條斜紋布料,結子織物;棉綢;落綿 bourette
紬絲精紡機 bourette spinning machine
波拉粗呢(法國製) bourras
優級廢絲,條子白綿布;小細亞皮板毛;凸紋 bourre
花式雙羅紋組織 bourrelet
紬絲 bourtte silk
針織一圈 bout
弓緯或弓經;蝴蝶結;弓紗織布 bow
弧形擴幅羅拉 bow expander roller
弓形小梭 bow shuttle
弓形彈簧 bow spring
緩衝皮帶 bow strap
弧形擴幅器 bowed expander
緯斜,緯不正;弓緯 bowed filling
波斯棉(美國產) Boweds cotton
弓紗針織瑕疵 bowing
石灰水或鹼液煮練 bowking
轉子,踏桿小盤;滑輪;槽池;軋輥 bowl
轉子捶桿裝置 bowl and pendant arrangement
滾筒軋光機 bowl calender
耳形轉子滑板 bowl for bend slider
夾架轉子 bowl for cilp
短軸研磨機 bowl grinding machine
小禮帽 bowler hat
虎尾蘭;千歲蘭纖維,弓弦大麻(植物葉纖維) bowstring hemp
蝶型領結 bow-tie
梭箱後板末端栓 box back fend pin
梭箱後皮彈簧 box back spring
梭箱後皮釘軸,梭箱後板心子 box back stud
緊壓棉包 box bale
梭箱底板 box bottom plate
梭箱紋鏈 box chain
短毛光呢,梭絨厚呢 box cloth
披肩厚外套 box coat
標準樣棉 box cotton
箱式乾燥機,熱箱烘乾機 box drying machine
梭箱前板 box front
梭箱前板毛刷 box front brush
箱形手袋 box handbag
緯紗庫 box loader
換梭箱織機 box loom
複式梭箱運動 box loom effect
格子織物,緯條織物 box loom fabric
梭箱變換運動 box motion
梭箱運動搖繞b box motion rocking shaft
差素機構 box of tricks
箱型外衣 box overcoat
梭箱底板 box plate
梭箱底板導盤,組合踏盤 box plate tappet
箱式褶,盒型褶 box pleat
" box single swing lever
罐式紡絲 box spinning"
油污緯(織疵) box stain
制梭板 box swell
梭箱桃盤 box tappet
筒管推車 box truck
拳擊短褲 boxer shorts
梭箱越級升降 boxes skipping
軋住,軋環 box-up
波埃法蘭絨 boy,boi
波約塔夫綢 boyau
緊撚粗棉線 boyaux
波埃德棉(美國產) Boyd prolific cotton
胸罩 bra
布抱班康花邊 Brabancon lace
亞麻短纖維粗布(比利時製) brabantes
人工的漂白亞麻(義大利語) brabatine
鬆緊帶,堅密織帶 brace web
腕上袖,七分袖 bracelet sleeve
吊帶 braces
托架,支架,托腳 bracket
布萊德福裡子呢 Bradford beatrice
布萊德福球經整經機 Bradford dresser
布萊德福開式前紡;英式開放式針梳 Bradford open drawing
布萊德福筘號 Bradford reed count
布萊德福經密制 Bradford sett system
布萊德福梳毛紡紗法 Bradford spinning
英式前紡 Bradford system drawing
布萊德福踏桿運動 Bradford treading motion
布萊德福整經機 Bradford warping mill
布萊德福裝璜法 Bradford way
布萊德福羊毛品質支數 Bradford wool quality numbers
布臘地棉(美國產) Brady cotton
布臘染色法 Bradye
布腊格長絨棉(美國產) Bragg long staple
編帶,織帶 braid
編結鈕 braided button
編結地毯 braided rug
編帶斜紋組織 braided twill weave
編帶機,編結機 braider
編結,辦織 braiding
編結節距 braiding pitch
鬆緊車,制動器,剎車 brake
制動蹄鐵閘塊 brake block
閘鏈 brake chain
制動阻礙桿,制動閉塞桿 brake clog
制動運動 brake driving motion
制動鉤 brake hook
制動桿 brake lever
制動桿心子 brake lever stud
閘磁鐵 brake magnetic
制動裝置 brake motion
制動解除桿 brake off lever
制動解除板 brake off tongue
閘壓力 brake pressure
制動皮帶盤 brake pulley
制動羅拉 brake roller
鞋形制動器 brake shoe
制動重錘 brake weight
制動輪,制動盤 brake wheel
制動鐵絲 brake wire
糠麩,粗硬麻布(蘇俄製) bran
支鏈 branched chain
分支構造 branched structure
商標 brand label
布臘索夫女式呢(羅馬尼亞製) brasovian
銅棒剝棉櫛,銅棒梳 brass bar comb
黃銅筒管 brass bobbin
連桿銅婆司 brass bush connecting arm
銅鈕釦 brass button
銅羅拉 brass roller
銅絲圈 brass traveller
胸罩 brassiere
粗劣的服裝 brat
轉動簾 brattice
黃麻或粗亞麻蓬幕布 brattice cloth
轉簾式烘乾機 brattice drier
洗泥 braying
巴西棉平布 brazilian
巴西斜紋黃麻袋 Brazilian bag
巴西棉 Brazilian cotton
巴西棕葉纖維 Brazilian piassave
背寬 breadth of back
解撚牽伸;初始牽伸;後牽伸;斷裂牽伸 break draft
斷裂係數 break factor
轉折點;斷裂點 break point
開端式紡紗 break spinning
斷頭,斷紗 breakage
故障 breakdown
頭道梳毛機,碎莖機 breaker
梳解機 breaker beater
頭道梳棉機 breaker card
輪胎布;輸送帶 breaker fabric
頭道棉卷 breaker lap
頭道清棉機 breaker lapper
展式梳毛機 breaker scribbler
揉布,碎麻工藝 breaking
開棉 breaking and opening
斷裂伸度 breaking elongation
斷裂長度 breaking length
斷裂荷重 breaking load
揉布羅拉 breaking roller
開端式紡紗 breaking spinning
斷裂強力 breaking strength
斷裂強度 breaking tenacity
斷裂試驗 breaking test
斷裂韌度 breaking toughness
斷裂撚度 breaking twist
揀麻 breaking up
斷裂花紋(梭織) breaking weave
斷裂重量 breaking weight
亞麻下腳 breakings
強毛上下的纖維弱點 break-in-wool
灰點(織物疵點) break-mark
軋梭 break-out
斷絲脆毛 breaks
回收亞麻屑 breards
小直徑錫林 breast
護胸甲 breast armor
胸樑,前樑 breast beam
護布板,胸前板 breast board
開毛錫林 breast cylinder
精紡機牽伸胸板 breast plate
胸前口袋 breast pocket
織物透氣性 breathe
口罩 breathing mask
雙面繡花針法 bred-stitch
腿部毛;臀部毛 breech
圍腰布裙 breech cloth
及膝褲,短褲 breeches
種繭 breeding cocoon
巴西燈芯綢(法國製) bresilienne cord
布勒塔涅漂白亞麻布(法國製) bretange
零頭布,次布 bribe
矩形衣領 brick neck
磚形針跡,磚形針法,磚形針歨 brick stitch
新娘禮服 bridal gown
新娘披紗 bridal reil
狹條 bride
橋式落紗運動 bridge doffing motion
鞍形桿 bridle lever
緊身褲;三角褲 briefs
山形線跡 brier stitch
軟練 bright degumming
急經 bright end
有光纖維 bright fibre
緊緯 bright pick
閃光器 bright radiator
有光嫘縈,亮光嫘縈 bright rayon
亮邊 bright side
急經 bright warp
亮白 bright white
光潔綿羊毛(美國產) bright wool
亮光紗 bright yarn
增白劑,增艷處理 brightener
增艷處理,增白處理 brightening
明度 brightness
白拉東蜂巢織物,白拉東蜂巢紋 brighton
白拉東蜂巢組織 Brighton hoenycomb weave
布萊屯結子呢 Brighton nap
染色熟絲 brights
亮光漆 brilliant varnish
亮光紗線 brilliant yarn
亮光薄呢 brilliantine
有邊帽 brim bonnet
帽邊挺硬加工 brim stiffening
捲帽邊機 brim-curling machine
寬邊帽 brimmed hat
單絲;細亞麻平布 brin
鹽水 brine
套圈 bring forward
襪墊 brioche
亞麻窗簾布(法國名稱) brionne
半截式花邊窗簾 brise bise
單鬃絲 briste-like monofilament
臀毛 britch wool
大英粉 British gum
脆性破壞 brittle fracture
脆化點 brittle point
寬邊帽 broad brim
闊條緯組織,闊條緯重平組織 broad filling rib weave
闊幅綢緞 broad goods
闊幅織構 broad loom
闊齒輪 broad pinion
闊條經畝組織,闊條經重平組織 broad warp rib weave
細平棉布;擴幅布 broadcloth
錦緞 broade
雙管絹(中國產) broade georgette
緞紋花邊 broade lace
浮花錦緞 broade satin
提花毛衣 broade sweater
裝飾用金絲錦織 broaded brocatel
闊幅地毯,闊幅綢緞 broadloom
大尾羔羊毛皮 broadtail
厚重花蚊布 brocatelle
浮紋緯 brochè  weft
浮紋款式 brochè style
提花床單布 broche quilt
刺繡圖案 broderie
刺繡(法語) brod's
四經破斜紋 broken crow twill
四經破斜紋組織 broken crow weave
解撚牽伸 broken drafting
斷頭;斷經 broken end
切斷纖維 broken fibres
破絲 broken filament
斷緯 broken pick
破棉籽 broken seeds
破邊 broken selvedge
脫膠皂 broken soap
破斜紋 broken twill
破斜紋布;破斜紋織物 broken twill cloth
破斜紋緯緞 broken twill sateen
破斜紋組織 broken twill weave
肚腹部毛 brokes
溴脫色劑 bromine discharge
溴靛藍 bromo indigo
布蘭諾棉(美國產) Bronnon cotton
青銅色光 bronze lustre
金光浮色 bronzing
末經漂白亞麻布 brown holland
絹棉緞(比利時和法國產) bruges
濕固色法 bruir
磨損區域(布瑕疵) bruised place
毛刷 brush
毛刷箱 brush box
毛刷滾筒 brush cylinder
毛刷裝置 brush device
刷式給濕機 brush dewing machine
毛刷支撐桿 brush holder
毛刷羅拉 brush roller
刷輪 brush wheel
刷毛效果 brushed effect
拉絨織物;法蘭絨 brushed fabric
拉絨針織物 brushed goods
單面刷毛 brushed on one side
起毛嫘縈織物 brushed rayon
刷淨皮板毛;拉絨毛織物 brushed wool
拉絨紗 brushed yarn
刷毛,刷布 brushing
刷布台 brushing table
刷除污染物 brush-staining
布魯塞毛圈地毯 Brussel's carpet
氣泡 bubble
牛腳油 bubulum oil
傳種公羊;壓熨燙台 buck
老羊毛,公羊套毛 buck fleece
溫酸洗工程 buck souring
罐式紡絲 bucket spinning
煮練工程 bucking
環扣 buckle
經縮;浪紋;座屈 buckling
硬挺整理;硬挺織物 buckram
雄鹿皮 buckskin
鹿皮組織 buckskin weave
翻毛羔皮 budge
軟皮手袋 buff handbag
長絨大衣呢(美國名稱) buffalo cloth
皮圈,緩衝器 buffer
緩衝鹽 buffer salt
緩衝溶液 buffer solution
皮圈彈簧調節器 buffer spring adjuster
緩衝作用 buffering action
緩衝劑 buffering agent
打麻工程 buffing
磨光機 buffing machine
故障,瑕疵 bug
布杰斯平紋花布(英國製) bugis
管狀珠 bugle
填充劑 builder
輪胎帆布 builder fabric
成形裝置 building motion
靜電植毛工程 build-up of statics
複式肥皂 built soap
連身襯裙 built-up shoulder silp
組合式踏綜盤 built-up tappet
管紗凹凸腫脹 bulge
腫脹比率 bulge ratio
蓬鬆性;容積 bulk
蓬鬆絲 bulk continuous filament
總體密度 bulk density
鬆散纖維 bulk fibre
總體彈性率 bulk modulus
塊狀聚合 bulk polymerization
縮絨試驗 bulk trial
蓬鬆紗 bulked yarn
蓬鬆加工 bulking
蓬鬆處理 bulking process
蓬鬆紗 bulky yarn
三股硬麻繩 bull rope
大型木製筒管 bull spool
防彈衣 bullet proof cloth
高撚度包覆絲繩 bullion cord
劣質粗呢 bull's wool
臀圍撐墊 bum roll
印花襯布 bump grey
壓縮棉條圈 bump top
廢紡低支紗 bump yarn
緩衝器;保險桿 bumper
錘式縮呢機 bumper milling machine
緩衝皮圈 bumper strap
本奧克臘纖維(印度產) bun ochra fibre
亞麻紗長度單位(180000碼) bunch
包頭紗成形裝置 bunch builder
併頭結 bunch knot
雪花線,竹節花線 bunch yarn
絞紗打包機 bunching press
竹節紗(紗疵) bunchy yarn
捆包 bundle
深藍格子手帕(英國製) bundle handkerchief
小包彈簧秤 bundle scale
纖維束強度 bundle strength
捆包制 bundle system
洗淨力試驗法 bundle testing
小包亞麻絞紗 bundle yarn
打小包,捆小包 bundling
打包間 bundling room
料倉;料斗 bunker
旗族紗;旗布 bunt,bunting,buntine
班達爾纖維 Buntal
金絲草 buntal fibre
撞頭,觸桿 bunter
平紋棉或梳毛紗織物 bunting
去除棉纖維後的棉果實 bur  cotton
除草籽機 bur  crusher
打雜輥 bur  guard
除雜 bur  picking
草節毛 bur  waste
蒼耳纖維(西印度群島) bur  weed fibre
雜物箱 bur box
鋼刺條 bur wire
布臘特斯面紗 burates
布臘延綢 buratine
布臘延生絲(伊朗產) Buratine silk
布拉特綢;透明亞麻布(義大利產) buratte
巴伯克纖維(印度產) bur-bark
柏巴克纖維(西印度群島產) Bur-bark
棉帛麗大衣呢 Burberry
柏邦棉(非洲產) Burbon cotton
平繡針跡 burden stitch
毛呢修補工 burder
布爾密絨粗呢(法國製) bure
滴定管 burette
布里提纖維(巴西產) buri fibre
布里丹綢(英國產) buridan
雕刻刀 burin
厚呢短大衣 burka
織物上支斑點或粒結 burl
塗色 burl covering
斑點染色或塗色 burl dyed
打包麻布(美國俗語) burlap
塗色染料 burl-dye
修呢工 burler
童帽圍圈(法國製) burlet
修補 burling
修布機 burling frame
塗色油墨 burling ink
修布鉗 burling iron
驗布機 burling machine
緬甸棉 Burma cotton
緬甸綿羊毛 Burma wool
灰燼 burn
燃燒面積 burned area
噴燃器;火口 burner
氯化鋅防腐處理 burnetising
阻燃劑 burning retardant
磨光輥,磨光器 burnisher
直腳鋼絲針布 burnishing fillet
燒花織物 burn-off fabric
紡毛連幅長袍 Burnoose
燒花 burnt-out
燒花織物 burnt-out fabrics
草籽,帶刺草屑;呢胚結子;繅絲,回絲輪 burr
預梳機,粗梳機 burr breast
草籽盤 burr pan
毛尖 burr point
棉質條狀紋織物(非洲土著之穿著) burrah
柏勒個野綿羊(喜馬拉雅山產) Burrhel
除雜工程 burring
平紋短絨粗毛氈 burry blanket
低級粗呢(英國製) burrys
佈松針織襪法,無縫編織 burson knit
爆破因素,爆破因子 burst factor
爆破強力 bursting strength
除雜後廢毛 bur-wool waste
軸襯 bush
布希棉(美國產) Bush cotton
外套襯衫 bush- shirt
修補員 busheler
修補員 bushelman
工作服 business clothing
辦公裝 business suit
中統靴 buskin
胸圍 bust
罩杯墊 bust form
胸圍 bust girth
胸圍線 bust line
罩杯墊 bust pad
胸點 bust point
上半身人檯 bust stand
連衫褲童裝 buster suit
臀墊;裙墊 bustle
蹺臀式 bustle silhouettee
寬大短茄克衫 butcher-boy
皮板毛 butcher's wool
針腳;導針凸片 butt
壞針拔除器 butt puller
隊接;平縫 butt seam
針軌 butt track
併縫縫合 butted seam
奶油布 butter cloth
奶油包布 butter muslin
蝴蝶片 butterfly
奶油色棉 buttery cotton
鈕扣 button
送鈕扣裝置 button feeder
開扣眼機 button hoiling machine
釘鈕扣工 button sewer
釘扣機 button sewing machine
鈕扣尺寸 button size
鈕扣自送機 button sizer
按鈕開關 button switch
鈕結花線 button yarn
扣子孔 buttonhole
鈕眼工 buttonhole maler
鈕孔絲線 buttonhole silk
鈕孔針跡 buttonhole stitch
鎖鈕孔絲線或棉線 buttonhole twist
開扣眼器 buttonholer
經紗起毬 buttoning
短硬苧麻根纖維;臀部糞污毛 butts
扣眼剪 butttonhole scissors
脫水機 buzzer
特短絨棉 buzz-fuzz cotton
輔助媒染劑 by-mordant
支路;旁通管;支管 by-pass
支路閥 by-pass valve
副產品 by-product
拜爾德雙面斜紋布 Byrd cloth
拜爾德布 Byrol cloth
綠石綿,纖維角閃石,細纖維石綿 byssolite
薄亞麻織物 byssus
Z行文針跡 byzance stitch
拜占庭地毯 Byzantine carpet
後頸點至腰 C.B.N-waist(center back neck to waist)
內聚能密度 C.E.D.(cohesion energy density)
中華民國對外貿易發展協會 C.E.T.D.C.(China External Trade Development Council)
色料索引 C.I.(colour index)
染料索引名 C.I.name
染料索引號碼 C.I.number
羧甲基纖維素 C.M.C.(carboxymethyl cellulose)
羧甲基澱粉 C.M.S(carboxymethyl starch)
每公分橫列數 c.p.c.(courses per centimeter)
每吋緯圈數 c.p.i.(courses per inch)
變異係數 c.v(coefficient of variation)
運動服織物 cabana cloth
海灘裝 cabana set
裁廢料 cabbage
卡比薩蠶絲(印度產) cabeca
圓後櫃式縫紉陳列室,衣櫃 cabinet
索;纜線 cable
纜索 cable cord
闊凸條絨織物 cable cords
紋花針織 cable knitting
2/2亞麻厚帆布 cable mattings
粗紗網,粗網眼花邊 cable net
紋花針織組織 cable stitch
纜撚 cable twist
斜紋粗線呢 cable webbing
併紗機;併紗工 cabler
卡波粗平布(英國產) cabot
卡布爾麻(中美洲產) cabulla fibre
手織花式毛圈布 caddow
軍校制服呢 cadet cloth
嵌花大花邊 cadiz
氫氧化鎘乙二溶液胺 cadoxen
岡城嗶嘰(法國製) caen
寬鬆長袍 caftan
塵籠;罩 cage
籠式烘乾機 cage dryer
籠式除塵機 cage duster
塵籠羅拉 cage roller
透孔織物,網眼織物 cage work
覆頭小披肩 cagoule
校正曲線,檢量曲線 cailbration curve
平布,白布;小碎花布,印花布 cailco
平布梭織機 cailco loom
棉布小碎花紋印花 cailco printing
漂白襯衫布;印花襯衫布 cailco shirting
平紋組織 cailco weave
平紋本色棉布(英國名稱) cailcut
兩腳規測經器 cailpers
絲餅 cake
絲餅染色 cake dyeing
絲餅上漿 cake sizing
絲餅式紡絲 cake spinning
漿塊狀瑕疵 caked
灰白毛皮 calabar skin
白僵病(蠶病) calcino
鈣硬度 calcium hardness
次氯酸鈣,漂白粉 calcium oxychloride
鈣皂 calcium soap
壓光機;壓光 calender
軋輥粘合法 calender bonding
軋光輥筒,軋水輥筒 calender bowl
軋光布 calender cloth
軋輥塗佈 calender coating
軋光加工,壓光加工 calender finish
壓輥齒輪罩 calender guard
左對圈條箱壓輥 calender left hand facing coiler
壓光痕 calender mark
壓光羅拉板 calender plate
輥壓機 calender press
輥筒印花 calender printing
壓光齒桿 calender rack
壓輥,軋輥,軋光輥 calender roller
壓光,軋光 calendering
及腿肚長 calf length
小牛皮 calf skin
樟蠶 caligula japonic
卡亞俄駱駝套毛(祕魯產) callao fleece
顯微鏡切片器 callatome
南美苧麻 caloee fibre
卡[路里](熱量單位) calorie
放熱能,潛熱能 calorific potential
熱量器 calorimeter
熱量分析 calorimetry
教宗帽,瓜皮帽,無邊小帽 calotte
裂眼針 calyx-eyed needle
凸輪,桃盤,三角 cam
凸輪轉子,踏盤轉子 cam bowl
偏心盤傳動,凸輪傳動 cam driving
開口靜止時間;凸輪傳動休止弧 cam dwell
踏盤曲鐵,凸輪轉子 cam follow
踏盤桿 cam lever
踏(桃)盤梭織機 cam loom
踏盤片,導板盤,凸輪板 cam plate
凸輪轉子 cam roller
踏盤式鐵片,偏輪式鐵片 cam shaped piece
踏盤式長槽,偏輪式長槽 cam shaped slot
踏盤式開口 cam shedding
偏心盤用彈簧,凸輪用彈簧 cam spring
同色深淺效應 camaieu effect
綜眼 camb
掛綜輪 camb roller
類似亞麻布的東印度粗棉布;坎巴雅麻膠布(孟加拉製) cambaye
彎曲,曲度,弧 camber
仿駝毛呢 camblet
精細純亞麻布(法語) cambrasine,cambresine
仿麻葛,麻紗布 cambric
細薄布整理 cambric finish
漂白軋光細布 cambric muslin
襯衫衣料 cambrique
駝毛 camel hair
卡美隆織物(法國製) cameleon
坎美琳娜粗絨呢 camelina
駝毛呢 camelot
羽紗 camelote
繡花用粗鬆亞麻布(法國製) camera linen
寬大薄袍 camisado
女用短內衣,女用寢居外套 camisole
無偏心盤導織機 camless winder
仿駝毛梳毛織物 camleteen
偽裝[用]織物 camouflage fabric
卡莫雅呢(法國製) camoyard
坎貝爾八經花斜紋 Campbell twill
坎波斯棉羊毛(西班牙產) campose wool
換棉條筒裝置 can changer
圈條器 can coiler
圓筒式蒸呢 can decatizing
頭道粗紗機 can roving frame
低級大麻 canapone
黃色污染毛 canary wool
康康舞衣 cancan dress
漿斑 candied
棉線穗子 candlewick
燭芯紗 candlewick yarn
圓筒烘乾 can-dry
經紗羅拉 cane roller
緯紗羅拉 cannage
經絲軸 cannele cord
花式燈芯絨;金銀線 cannetille
闊幅經稜細布;單股絹絲 cannette
廣綾;雙重縐 Canton crepe
素廣綾(中國製) Canton datin plain
夏布 Canton liene
花廣綾(中國製) Canton satin brocade
急斜紋粗棉布 Cantoon
帆布;十字布 canvas
稀帆布織物 canvas cloth
帆布織機 canvas loom
生橡膠 caoutchouc
錠帽;筘帽;便帽;無邊帽 cap
皮輥架 cap bar
袖山高 cap hight
帽帶 cap ribbon
貌茬S cap sleeve
帽錠經紡 cap spinning
電容式均勻度試驗機 capacitance type regularity tester
容量;電容;生產能力 capacity
斗篷,披風 cape
披風式外套 cape coat
蝙蝠袖,蝴蝶袖 cape sleeve
南非馬海冬毛 cape winder
南非綿羊毛 cape wool
小斗篷,小披肩 capelet
毛細管現象 capillarity
毛細管孔 capillary bore
毛細管效應 capillary effect
毛細管上升 capillary elevation
毛細管給油 capillary feed
毛細管口 capillary orifice
毛細管壓 capillary pressure
毛細管 capillary tube
粗劣廢絲 capiton
生絲紮絞線 capitures
蕁麻屬纖維(巴拉圭產) caporopy fibre
起絨厚呢(法國製) capot
連帽女斗篷 capote
蠶絲內部的廢絲 cappadine silk
己內醯胺 caprolactam
辛醇 capryl alcohol
紗張力調整用固定導桿 capsttan
羔羊皮 caracule
氨基甲酸脂 carbamate
碳醯胺樹脂 carbamide resin
絹絲紡,絹絲薄綢 carbaso
亞麻布(西班牙產);細平紋棉布(印度產) carbassus,carbasus
碳化纖維強化體,碳化纖維增強體 carbide fibre reinforcement
碳水化合物,糖類 carbohydrate
石碳酸 carbolic acid
碳 carbon
碳弧燈 carbon arc lamp
二硫化碳 carbon bisulphide
碳黑 carbon black
二氧化碳 carbon dioxide
碳纖維強化碳複合材料,碳纖維增強碳複合材料 carbon fibre reinforced carbon composite
碳纖維強化水泥複合材料,碳纖維增強水泥複合材料 carbon fibre reinforced coment composite
碳纖維強化體,碳纖維增強體 carbon fibre reinforcement
碳素燈 carbon light
複寫紙 carbon paper
四氯化碳,四氯甲烷 carbon tetrachloride
碳酸鹽 carbonate
碳酸 carbonic acid
碳化 carbonization
碳化精梳短毛 carbonized noil
碳化碎呢纖維 carbonized rag fibre
碳化羊毛 carbonized wool
碳化 carbonizing
碳化烘乾機 carbonizing dryer
碳化除雜機 carbonizing duster
碳化疵點 carbonizing faults
碳化碎呢 carbonizing wool rags
金剛砂,碳化矽 carbonrundum
金剛砂帶 carbonrundum fillet
羧基 carboxy,carboxyl
羧乙基化棉 carboxyethylated cotton
羧酸 carboxylic acid
羧甲基纖維素 carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC)
羧甲基澱粉 carboxymethyl starch
輪胎織物 carcass fabric
卡爾卡松薄呢(法國製) carcassonnes
駕車外套 carcoat
梳棉機,鋼絲機,鋼絲車,梳麻車,梳毛機;提花織機紋板 card
梳棉機曲軌 card bend
提花紋板,卡紙 card board
紋板架 card cardle
紋鏈條 card chain
紋鏈踏綜盤 card chain tappet
梳棉機絨輥 card clearer
針布 card clothing
針布基布,梳毛機針布底布 card clothing foundation
針布號數 card count
針根 card crown
紋板沖孔機,踏花板機 card cutter
提花機紋板衝孔 card cutting
紋板滾筒;梳棉機錫林 card cylinder
梳棉道夫 card doffer
鋼絲是拉取裝置 card draw-off mechanism
彈性鋼絲針布 card fillet
梳棉機針板,針簾 card flat
紋板架,紋板框 card frame
梳棉機磨針裝置 card grinder
磨針布機 card grinder machine
紙板夾 card holder
紙板串連機 card lacing machine
包針布機 card mounting machine
滾紋板器 card reeler
梳棉間 card room
梳棉機隔距校準 card setting
貌O花,軋刀花 card strips
梳棉網 card web
鋼絲(針)起毛機 card wire gig
鋼絲(針)起毛 card wire raising
萬向接頭 cardan joint
捲布匹用硬紙板 card-board core
生條,梳棉條 carded sliver
梳棉條 carded yarn
開襟毛衣 cardigan
卡地干凸輪,畦編三角,羅紋三角 cardigan cam
棗紅色帶帽兜短外套 cardinal
主教呢 cardinal cloth
分梳,梳理;梳棉工程 carding
梳棉機,梳理機 carding machine
粗梳羊毛 carding wool
洗燙標 care label
雌莖大麻 carle hemp
卡美麗特平紋薄呢(法國製) carmelite
胭脂色酸 carmonic acid
巴西棕櫚蠟,卡那巴蠟 carnauba wax
卡羅琳花呢(法國產) caroline
地毯 carpet
地毯基布,地毯底布 carpet backing
地毯滾邊帶;地毯黏合 carpet binding
厚毛毯 carpet blanket
地毯提花機 carpet jacquard
地毯上膠機 carpet latexing machine
地毯襯墊 carpet lining
地毯織機 carpet loom
地毯緯密 carpet pick
地毯經密 carpet pitch
地毯印花 carpet printing
地毯量捲機 carpet rolling-and-measuring machine
地毯割絨修整機 carpet slitting and trimming machine
長方形地毯 carpet square
地毯接幅器 carpet stretcher
地毯用線 carpet thread
地毯起經圈用鋼絲 carpet wire
鹿角菜,愛爾蘭海藻,米海苔 carragheen moss
鹿角蔡膠,愛爾蘭海藻膠,米海苔膠 carragheenate
走錠紡車 carriage
毛圈面窄幅梭織物 carriage lace(narrow fabric)
搬運夫,介輪,送毛器;導染劑 carrier
過橋繩輪,介輪 carrier band pulley
導染染色 carrier dyeing
伴紡纖維,支架纖維 carrier fibre
過橋齒輪,過界齒輪,中間介齒輪 carrier gear
國橋齒輪桿,連桿 carrier lever
國橋齒輪連桿 carrier lever link
劍梭織機 carrier loom
過橋帶盤介面,中間輪 carrier pulley
撓性劍桿帶 carrier tape
過橋齒輪,傳動齒輪 carrier wheel
兔毛柔軟化處理 carrotting
獸毛縮絨處理劑 carrotting agent
卡塔黑納棉(西印度群島美種棉) Carthagena cotton
紅花素 carthamin
紙板箱,紙箱 carton
彈藥綢 cartridge cloth
彈帶形褶襴 cartridge plait
卡魯托果汁染料(南美產) caruto
參   差毛絨 carved pile
波浪狀荷葉邊;波浪狀領子 cascade
瀑布式絞紗染色機 cascade dyeing machine
粗細混雜條 cascade stripe
瀑布式洗衣機 cascade washer
合股索 case cord
酪素皮革 case leather
表面淬火 case-hardening
酪朊,乳酪素,乾酪素 casein
酪素纖維,酪朊纖維 casein fibre
酪素塑膠 casein plastic
酪素綿羊毛 casein wool
窗簾布 casement
特殊規格窗簾布 casement cloth
開司米山羊毛 cashmere
開司米地毯 cashmere rug
開司米圍巾,披肩 cashmere shawl
開司米斜紋 cashmere twill
開司米棉織物 cashmerette
罩殼 casing
壽衣呢 casket cloth
木薯澱粉 cassava starch
木薯 cassava,cassawa
卡式纖維鑒定法 Cassella's fibre test
薄毛呢,提花毛葛 cassimere
二上二下斜紋 cassimere twill
卡賽內特棉毛交織呢 cassinet
全棉紗卡賽內特斜紋褲料 cassinetta
神職人員長袍 cassock
下領片反折線 cassure
低級粗套毛 cast
低級粗套毛,剔除套毛 cast fleece
脫圈;織完 cast off
起圈,針織上機 cast on
跳穿 cast out
卡斯特爾布朗哥地毯羊毛(葡萄牙產) castel branco
小腳輪 caster
橄欖油皂 castile soap
卡斯提利綿羊(西班牙種) Castilian sheep
鑄件,鑄造 casting
口數空出;剔除紋針(提花機提勾方法) casting-out
脫圈沉降輪 cast-off burr
海狸皮帽 castor
菎麻油 castor oil
便服,休閒服 casual clothes
便服,休閒服 casual wear
針孔 cat eye
貓毛皮 cat fur
卡塔卡歐斯棉(祕魯產) Catacaos cotton
過氧化氫酶 catalase
催化作用;觸媒作用 catalysis
催化劑,觸媒 catalyst
電泳,電滲 cataphoresis
掣子,檔器 catch
推動桿,穿紗桿 catch bar
布邊用線 catch cord
鎖邊紗,押邊線 catch end
送經撐頭,放經鋸齒掣子 catch for let-off ratchet
掛鉤叉,鉤叉 catch fork
掛鉤桿 catch holder
推壓桿,掛鉤桿 catch lever
擋爪 catch pawl
擋板 catch plate
擋簧 catch spring
鉤邊緣 catch(ing)thread
搶後換緯 catching cops
鏈 catena
毛蟲狀花邊 caterpillar lace
全紋式紗羅組織 catgut gauze
刺繡用亞麻布 catgut linen
陰極,負極 cathode
陽離子 cation
陽離子交換纖維 cation exchange fibre
陽離子交換樹脂 cation exchange resin
陽離子活性化合物 cation-active compound
陽離子性染料,鹽基性染料 cationic dye
陽離子聚合作用 cationic polymerization
陽離子性柔軟劑 cationic softener
陽離子性界面活性劑 cationic surfactant
陽離子染料可染型聚酯纖維 cationic-dyeable modified polyester fibre
香蒲,葇荑花 cattail
苛性鹼 caustic alkali
苛性鉀,氫氧化鈉 caustic potash
燒鹼,苛性鈉,氫氧化鈉 caustic soda
苛性,腐蝕性 causticity
凹凸印花 cauterising
馬褲呢;斜紋厚呢 cavalry twill
孔洞化 cavitatoin
孔洞;模槽 cavity
細嗶嘰 cay,saye
卡晏生本色亞麻薄布(法國製) Cayenne
最高溫度 ceiling temperature
服裝腰帶 ceinture
細胞;電池;空氣襄;小室;微晶格子 cell
熱箱烘布機 cell drying machine
細胞膜錯合體 cell membrance complex
細胞璧 cell wall
地窖給濕 cellar moistening
火棉,火棉膠,純硝酸纖維素 celloidin
賽璐玢,黏膠薄膜(俗稱玻璃紙) cellophane
賽璐索芙,2-乙氧基乙醇 cellosolve
纖維素醣類 cellosugar
纖維素三醣 cellotriose
大緯管庫自動織機 cell-type magazine loom
纖維素二醣 cellubiose
棉絮,棉團 cellucotton
多孔毛毯 cellular blanket
紗羅織物 cellular cloth
蜂窩網眼織物 cellular fabric
細胞物質 cellular material
細胞膜 cellular membrane
細胞結構;蜂窩狀結構 cellular structure
賽璐珞,假象牙 celluloid
纖維素桿霉 cellulomonas
纖維素聚醣 cellulosan
纖維素 cellulose
醋酸纖維素片,纖維素酯酸酯片 cellulose aceate flake
醋酸嫘縈 cellulose aceate rayon
纖維素醋酸丁酸酯 cellulose aceate-butyrate
醋酸纖維素,纖維素醋酸酯 cellulose acetate
醋酸纖維素纖維 cellulose acetate fibre
纖維素化合物 cellulose compound
纖維素微晶 cellulose crystallite
纖維素衰解 cellulose degradation
纖維素衍生物 cellulose derivative
纖維素二酯酸酯,二醋酸纖維素 cellulose diacetate
纖維素去膠器 cellulose digester
纖維素酯化物 cellulose ester
纖維素醚化物 cellulose ether
纖維素脂肪酸酯 cellulose fatty acid ester
纖維素纖維 cellulose fibre
纖維素原纖維 cellulose fibril
羧甲基纖維素,纖維素乙二醇醚 cellulose glycollic ether
水合纖維素 cellulose hydrate
纖維素陰影印花 cellulose image print
纖維素漆 cellulose lacquer
纖維素微胞 cellulose micelle
硝化纖維素 cellulose nitrate
纖維素值,銅值 cellulose number(value)
草酸纖維素,纖維素草酸酯 cellulose oxalate
纖維素磷酸酯,磷酸纖維素 cellulose phosphate
纖維素丙酸酯,丙酸纖維素 cellulose propionate
纖維素人造絲 cellulose silk
纖維素硬脂酸酯,硬酯酸纖維素 cellulose stearate
纖維素硫酸酯,硫酸纖維素 cellulose sulfate
纖維素磺酸酯,磺酸纖維素 cellulose sulfonate
纖維素三醋酸酯,三醋酸纖維素俥 cellulose triacetate
纖維素三醚 cellulose triehter
纖維素三酯 cellulose triester
硝化纖維素清漆 cellulose varnish
黃酸纖維素,纖維素黃酸酯 cellulose xanthate
纖維素纖維 cellulosic fibre
方塊斜紋組織 celtic twill
方塊斜紋織物 celtics
水泥;黏合劑;膠著劑 cement
滲碳鋼;表面硬化鋼 cement steel
黏接;滲金屬法 cementation
後中心線 center back
後心梭(織機) center back point
中央紋板 center card
中央緯紗叉 center filling fork
中央緯紗叉 center fork
前中心線 center fornt
前心(梭織機) center front point
中央紗圈瑕疵 center loop defect
重心 center of gravity
旋迴中心,旋轉中心 center of gyration
質心 center of mass
中央報護指 center protector
中縫 center seam
中央布邊 center selvedge
中開口 center shed
中央接結方平組織 center stitched basket weave
中央接結方平組織 center stitched matt weave
中央接結,中央交織 center stitching
對稱穿接法,對稱穿吊法 center tie-up
後中央叉 center vent
中央緯紗叉 center weft fork
筘夾木中翼 center wing
嵌心線 center yarn
中開口,中梭道 center(closed)shedding
山形穿吊法 centered tie
百分之一 centi
攝氏溫度 centigrade
厘泊(黏度單位) centipoise
厘拖;厘絲(運動黏度單位) centistocke
零布併成的衣料;馬鞍墊布 cento
中心軸面 central axis plane
中心花紋花邊 central border lace
中心控制室 central cabinet
數據收集中心系統 central data collecting system
集中潤滑法 central lubrication
中央處理裝置 central processor
中央儲存裝置 central store unit
內踏盤運動 central threading motion
集中水處理 central water treatment
集中控制 centralized control
中投梭 central-pick
中投梭織機 central-pick loom
中央套筒,中央婆司 centre boss
凸輪心,中央凸輪,中三角 centre cam
中央閉合梭口 centre closed shed
中央穿綜法 centre draft
蘇格蘭式中間喂毛裝置 centre draw scotch feed
葉脈針跡;珍織花邊;葉脈花紋 centre fibre stitch
平背織針 centre hook needle
中央收針裝置 centre narrowing tackle
曲率中心 centre of curvature
中央花紋(提花織物) centre pattern
中央布邊 centre selvedge
山形穿吊法 centre[d] [harness]tie
對準中心;中心調整 centreing adjustment
開幅機中心整位器 centreing appparatus
鉤破洞,布鋏痕 centreing mark
離心乾燥機 centrifugal drier
離心式脫水機 centrifugal extractor
離心市風扇;離心式送風機 centrifugal fan
離心力 centrifugal force
向心力 centrifugal force
離心式摩擦離合器 centrifugal friction clutch
離心泵 centrifugal pump
離心分離器 centrifugal separator
離心式紡絲 centrifugal spinning
陶磁纖維 ceramic fibre
蠟布 cerecloth
蠟布 cerement cloth
純地蠟 ceresine
蠟醇,二十六碳醇 ceryl alcohol
鯨蠟醇片 cetyl alcohol flake
錫蘭棉毛條子布(英國製) ceylon
罩衫及襯衫用布料(英國製) ceylonette
制動器;定盤;軋輥軸承 chack
摩擦痕 chafe mark
輪胎布;帶環狀織邊帆布 chafer fabric
仿皮革糙面綢 chagrin silk
鏈條;紋板鏈 chain
鏈條轉筒,花板滾筒 chain barrel
鏈吊車 chain block
鏈條排列圖 chain chart
鏈布 chain cloth
鏈式碼,循環碼 chain code
鏈條聯接 chain couping
整經滾筒 chain cylinder
份子鏈解纏,鏈解捲曲,鏈伸展 chain decoiling
鏈衰解 chain degradation
紋板圖 chain draft
鏈條式針梳 chain drawing
鏈條傳動 chain drive
鏈條滾筒 chain drum
鏈條染色 chain dyeing
鏈節 chain element
鏈末端 chain end
分子鏈纏結 chain entanglement
鏈增長反應 chain extending reaction
鏈柔曲性 chain flexibility
分子鏈折疊 chain folding
鏈摩擦制動式送經 chain friction let-off
鏈條式針梳機 chain gill
鏈條式針梳併條機 chain gill drawing frame
鏈式針排導軌 chain guide
鏈式起重機 chain hoist
鏈式起重機 chain hoist
鏈條鉤栓 chain hook pin
鏈引發作用 chain initiation
鏈條桿 chain lever
花鏈 chain link
多臂梭織機 chain loom
夾板式絲光跡 chain mercerizer
鏈移動性 chain mobility
集圈抽花組織;編鏈網孔(經編) chain net
連鎖反應 chain reaction
鏈狀車縫 chain sewing
鏈軸 chain shaft
鎖鏈針步,鏈狀針法,絞花組織 chain stitch
鏈縫衣車 chain stitch sewing machine
連鎖店 chain store
鏈條踏綜盤 chain tappet
鏈終止作用 chain termination
鏈終止劑 chain terminator
鏈轉移 chain transfer
鏈轉移劑 chain transfer agent
鏈轉移反應 chain transfer reaction
鏈形斜紋 chain twill
鏈式花線 chain twist
鏈段整經法 chain warp
鏈式整經機 chain warper
鏈形組織 chain weave
鏈條重錘 chain weight
鏈輪 chain wheel
鏈式花紗 chain yarn
分子鍵盤旋 chain-coiling
鏈偶合劑,鏈偶聯劑 chain-coupling agent
鏈點網版 chain-dot screen
鏈狀針跡;欽纳特斜紋花呢(法國製) chainette
鏈段增長劑 chain-extender
無鏈條絲光機 chainless mercerizing range
椅墊用窄幅梭織物 chair web
細亞麻布 chaisel,chainsel
印花薄織物 chalinet
粉片,粉餅 chalk
白*粉整理 chalk finish
粉線 chalk line
白粉斑 chalk mark
中條子外衣料 chalk shipe
消光 chalkiness
粉白毛 chalky white wool
印花薄織物;輕布料 challis
查隆薄呢 chalon
強瑪羅普纖維(北非洲或南歐洲產) chamaerops fibre
箱式烘乾機 chamber drier
複繅絲 chambon
經緯異色布,水手布,香布雷布 chambray
香布雷布異色染加工 chambray finishing
感光變色纖維 chameleon fibre
斜剪,斜裁;斜邊;槽;凹線 chamfer
小羚羊皮;仿羚羊鹿皮 chamois
仿羚羊皮棉織物 chamois cloth
優良棉針織物 chamoisette
香檳大鈴棉(美國產) Champion Cluster cotton
織花羊絨披巾 chand-dar
變換齒輪 change gear
變褪色 change in colour
換卷,調卷 change of lap
變換小齒輪 change pinion
零錢袋 change pocker
換梭,換鋼筘 change reed
換梭箱 change shuttle box
變換齒輪 change wheel
閃緞 changeable stain
閃色塔夫塔綢 changeable taffeta
閃光染色 changeant dyeing
換梭導軌 changing  guide rail
換梭球,換梭轉子 changing ball
梭箱後閘板 changing box back
換梭鏈桿 changing link
活動梭閘板 changing loose fly back
推梭滑條,推梭滑桿 changing slide
換梭滑動臂 changing slide arm
換梭滑架 changing slide bracket
水槽浸漬法,水槽浸麻 channel retting
表面凹面羅拉 channel roll
頻道轉換開關 channel selector
碳化 char
碳化長度,燒焦長度 char length
電荷移動力 charge transfer force
手紡車(印度產) charkas
1/2斜紋面雙層緯重織物 charmante stain
1/2斜紋布料 charmelaine
香夢思縐 charmeuse
棉緞 charmeuse cotton
嫩黃色,帶綠鮮黃色 chartreuse
筒管上的纏紗部分;捲繞紗層動程 chase
管紗繞紗動程長 chase length
疊層軋光 chased finish
布匹疊層軋光 chasing
疊層軋光機 chasing calender
軋染機;軋液槽;印花漿盤 chassis
格子組織 check
小格刺繡十字布 check canvas
皮圈製子心子 check device stud
緩衝指 check finger
皮圈長彈簧 check long spring
格子布梭織機 check loom
防衝裝置;梭箱運動 check motion
索線織成的平紋棉布 check muslin
格子花紋 check pattern
皮圈短彈簧 check short spring
定位長釘 check spike
控制彈簧 check spring
梭皮帶,緩衝皮帶 check strap
皮圈導板 check strap guide
花格毛巾布 check terry pile fabric
分區斜紋組織,格底分區斜紋組織,棋盤形花紋組織,棋盤斜紋組織(梭織) checked board weave
格子花紋 checked effect
色底格紋組織;花色格子布 checked gingham cloth
格子打包麻布 checked hessian
陰陽緞紋 checked satin
分區斜紋,陰陽斜紋 checked twill
分區斜紋,格底分區斜紋,陰陽斜紋 checked-board twill
陰陽面組織 checker board weave
各色格子織物 checks
平筒紗 cheese
筒紗結合器 cheese adapter
平織梳棉紗細布;粗平布 cheese cloth
錐形筒紗 cheese cone
筒紗染色 cheese dyeing
筒紗染色機 cheese dyeing machine
平筒管 cheese tube
平行紗 cheese warp
絡筒機 cheese winder
大廚帽 chef cap
煙台生絲 Chefoo silk
條格花紋邊細平布(印度製) chelais
螫合物 chelating compound
螫合作用 chelation
螫合劑 chelting agent
化學活用 chemical activity
化學親合力 chemical affinity
化學漂白 chemical bleaching
化學鍵 chemical bond
漂液槽 chemical cistern
化學組成 chemical constitution
化學硝化棉(美國製) chemical cotton
化學脫膠 chemical degumming
化學纖維 chemical fibre
化學處理 chemical finishing
化學固著 chemical fixation
化學惰性 chemical inertness
化學抑制劑 chemical inhibitor
化學中間體 chemical intermediate
化學改質 chemical modification
化學需氧量 chemical oxygen demand(COD)
化學藥劑壓吸 chemical padding
化學永久定形 chemical permanent set
化學塑化 chemical plasticizing
化學位能 chemical potential
化學加工;化學處理 chemical processing
化學促進劑 chemical promoter
耐葯品性;耐化學葯品性 chemical proofing
化學紙漿 chemical pulp
化學反應 chemical reaction
化學鬆弛 chemical relaxation
耐化學性 chemical resistance
化學浸漬法;化學浸麻 chemical retting
化學斷鏈 chemical scission
化學位移 chemical shift
化學捲縮處理 chemical shrunk
化學紡絲,化學抽絲 chemical spinning
化學穩定性 chemical stability
化學應力鬆弛 chemical stress relaxation
化學結構 chemical structure
化學脆化,化學脆損 chemical tendering
化學轉換 chemical transformation
化學防水加工 chemical waterproofing
化學木漿 chemical wood pulp
化學結合水 chemical-bonded water
化學改質棉 chemically modified cotton
漂白液,次氯酸鈣溶液 chemick,chemic
漂白,漂液處理;乾漂 chemicking
化學發光 chemiluminescence
化學紙漿 chemipulp
女貼身內衣;緊身洋裝 chemise
無袖女緊身上衣 chemisette
化學吸著 chemisorption
化學蠕變 chemocreep
化學溶蝕 chemolysis
化學流變學 chemorheology
向化性;趨葯性 chemotaxis
印花經紗,印經;閃色綢,閃光綢,雙色棉布 chene
雪尼爾地毯 Chenille Axminster
雪尼爾地毯 Chenille carpet
雪尼爾織物 Chenille cloth
繩狀毛絨織物 Chenille fabric
雪尼爾床罩 Chenille spread
雪尼爾紗線,繩狀絨線 Chenille thread
櫻桃大鈴棉(美國產) cherry cluster cotton
柴郡印花布 Cheshire printers
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